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Venom's Management Team

Meet the Team $


VeNom CEO is the brains behind VeNom Gaming. He streams as much as possible on the team's Twitch vnmGamingHQ, acquires new sponsors, is involved with every member, team, and supports VeNom Gaming financially. If you have any questions about VeNom, please feel free to contact him on Twitter @VeNomCEO or via email
If you ever want to game with our CEO, then add him on Xbox One and PlayStation 4
XB1: VeNom CEO
PS4: VeNom_CEO



VeNom COO is the creative designer behind Venom Gaming. She constantly works on new ideas, jerseys, sponsors, social media and helps support VeNom Gaming financially. If you ever need to get in contact with her then contact the team's Twitter @vnmGamingHQ 


VeNom Hector

VeNom Hector is the Director of our Battlefield 1 team on Xbox One. He has been with VeNom Gaming since the very beginning. He is dedicated, loves gaming, and is easy to get along with. If you are interested in joining our Battlefield 1 team, then please contact him on Twitter @hectorcarrera2 or us via email

VeNom Hector is the official GFX Designer for VeNom Gaming! He brings with him expertise in graphic design and photography. We are very happy to have him apart of the GFX side of VeNom! 

Director of Battlefield 1 Operations / GFX Artist

VeNom Spade

VeNom Spade is the Director of Rainbow Six Operations on Xbox One. He has been with VeNom Gaming before VeNom Gaming was even thought of. He is dedicated, loves gaming, and is a member of our USA Airforce. Thank you for your service Spade! If you are interested in joining our Rainbow Six team, then please contact him on Twitter @JonHoodie or us via email

Director of Rainbow Six Operations & GTA V

VeNom Fly

VeNom Fly is the Director of Xbox One Operations for VeNom Gaming. He has been with VeNom Gaming since the very beginning. He is dedicated, loves the eSports world, easy to talk to and can relate to you. If there is ever an issue that needs to be brought to our attention, or if you want to be apart of the Xbox One side of VeNom Gaming, then please contact him on Twitter @vnmFlyrz or by email

Director of Xbox One Operations

VeNom Jdog

VeNom Jdog has been a part of VeNom Gaming since Black Ops III. VeNom Jdog competed on the competitive team on the Xbox One. Toward the end of Black Ops III, he moved to the PlayStation 4 to help grow VeNom Gaming. He has dabbled in Destiny on both systems but is looking forward to Destiny 2, on the PS4, and has high hopes that eSports will be coming to Destiny 2. Jdog is now honored to take on the role of Director of PlayStation 4 Operations. If you are on the PS4 and are interested in joining VeNom Gaming, please contact us via email or contact Jdog directly! 
Twitter: @VNMJdog 

Director of PlayStation 4 Operations

VeNom Hightime

VeNom Hightime has been a part of VeNom Gaming since mid 2017. VeNom Hightime proved he was a force to be reckon with as not only a personality but also as a team player. He brings with him wonderful ideas and a passion that is unmatched. VeNom Hightime competes on VeNom Gaming's PS4 Fortnite, Black Ops 4 and Red Dead Redemption II teams. He has been recruiting and working hard for VeNom Gaming on a daily bases. VeNom Hightime humble accepts this promotion with great honor. If you are on the PS4 and are interested in joining VeNom Gaming, please contact us via email or contact Hightime directly!

Twitter: @vnm_hightime

Director of Red Dead Redemption II Operations

VeNom Sigma_Noble

VeNom Sigma_Noble joined VeNom Gaming in the summer of 2017. After proving how dedicated, loyal, and talented he was, VeNom CEO felt it best to instate as the Director of Fortnite Operations for VeNom Gaming. He is the main contact for try outs and is constantly working to find new and upcoming talent, of all ages, to compete under VeNom Gaming. If you are a Fortnite gamer and want to try out for the VeNom Fortnite Teams, please DM him via Twitter: @VeNom_Sigma 

Director of Fortnite Operations

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